Saturday, August 22, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
It looks so innocent
Our transmission gave out just after we got through the Cape Cod Canal. We think an encounter with a submerged lobster pot up in Maine finally pushed it over the edge (I spent an hour in and out of the water getting the line off our propeller).
We are waiting for a new transmission to be shipped up from Kentucky, then we will be back to finish the final leg of this great adventure.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Homeward bound
The famous twin lights of Thacher Island, marking the eastern point of Cape Ann near Gloucester. We've had some weather days since turning towards home but continue to press South. We're hoping to make Plymouth tonight and then pass through the Cape Cod Canal tomorrow.
Monday, August 10, 2015
A marina tender hit our beloved Heartsong just as we were getting ready to leave. The temporary repair delayed us a bit. We've had some bad weather since that has made for some tough passages, but we head out this morning for Bar Harbor. We hope to get there by Tuesday evening.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
We spent the night in Lunenberg - a lovely community with a rich tradition of ship building and fishing. The original Bluenose was built here (a full-scale replica is pictured below). So was the replica Bounty used in the Marlon Brando movie and "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. It is a tradition that continues today and is also evidenced in the beautiful homes and buildings that fill these streets.
Tomorrow we return to Halifax where we will await the delivery of some engine parts before turning our bow towards home.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Nova Scotia
This is a beautiful place and the people very gracious. Bonnie and I were walking our bikes up a steep hill when a stranger stopped and offered us a ride. He loaded our bikes in his car and gave us a ride to our destination, engaging in pleasant conversation. Below, some of the buildings in Shelbourn reflecting the age and rich tradition of the community.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
After battling fog for most of the journey (a certain amount of stress there when one doesn't have radar), we arrived safely in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, at 5:15 this morning.
Monday, July 27, 2015
This is sunrise from the cabin near Bar Harbor where I spent a number of summers with my grandmother, aunt and cousins. My. Desert Island is one of my very favorite places. The cabin itself now belongs to my brother and sister-in-law who have done a wonderful job in upgrading and caring for it. I'm so glad it has been able to stay in the family, and Bonnie and I have loved being here with some special friends.
In a few hours we will be casting off our mooring line and heading across the Bay of Fundy for Nova Scotia.
Monday, July 20, 2015
We've been working our way up the coast of Maine: Harpswell; Boothbay; and then an anchorage at Perry Creek on Vinalhaven. Yesterday we woke to a thick fog that hung on through much of the day.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
The manly art of sail repair
Yesterday we chose to stay in Gosport Harbor (Star Island) and take care of some needed chores on the boat.
Today we got off to an early start against strong headwinds and are beginning to move up the coast of Maine. Slow progress but Heartsong remains undaunted.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Star Island
Tonight we are in New Hampshire. Star Island has
been used as a retreat center by the Unitarians and
Congregationalists for over one hundred d years.
One hundred yards away is Smuttynose Island,
namesake of the eponymous beer.
The picture doesn't begin to capture the beauty of
this spot.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
Sagamore Bridge
Crossing over this bridge onto Cape Cod has always been a favorite moment - a sense of finally arriving at a much-loved destination. Yesterday we passed under it for the first time ever on our way to Cape Cod Bay and Plymouth.
A bit of excitement last night. At about 3:30 am we had to adjust the anchor in the middle of a storm. In the morning we were awakened by the Harbormaster (first time I've seen one armed) who told us we needed to move. Tomorrow it is on to Marblehead!
Monday, July 6, 2015
The Gathering
We spent the weekend in Osterville as the family gathered to celebrate my mother's 90th birthday. We had a wonderful time - so good to see everyone again! So many memories in this place where our family has been gathering for nearly forty years. Special thanks to brother David for getting the house ready, and to Sandy and Christine for hosting a very special celebration at their club.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Moving on
Said goodbye to my buddies Paul
and Ralph on Sunday and welcomed Bonnie back on board. She flew into Long Island from Denver where she had been visiting the kids. So good to have her back!!
After having some work done on the boat Monday morning, Bon and I set sail for Port Jefferson. Beautiful night at anchor there. Now we are heading to Block Island which is about a day's sail from Cape Cod. This lighthouse marks the northern end of Long Island Sound.
Friday, June 26, 2015
New York, New York
The past few days some great friends and I have
been cruising up the coast from Virginia to Long
Island. Paul and Ralph are both pastors and we've
been meeting and praying together for over thirty
years. It's been a wonderful week and today we
capped it off with a cruise through New York City
and then out into Long Island Sound.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
This is my last day in the Norfolk/Portsmouth area. I'm really looking forward to getting under sail again.
One of the great blessings of this stay was reconnecting with one of my two best friends from high school, Colin McKinnon. Colin, Craig Goodrich and I were inseparable. Over at the girl's school they called us the "three C's". I loved those guys and loved hanging out with them. Lots of great memories.
I hadn't seen Colin in about thirty years. A planned reunion last year was undermined by jury duty. So spending some time with him and his family this past week has been a real treat. He looks terrific and has built a wonderful life here in Norfolk.
I was so happy to see what a great family and great life he has here. It was what you would hope for someone you care about and who played a big part in your own life years before. What a blessing!
Last night I left Heartsong in a marina and spent the night at the home of another great friend, Ralph Herbert. A real bed! And when a thunderstorm rolled through I didn't have to get up, shut all the portals and make sure the anchor wasn't dragging. It was luxurious.
Ralph just got back from a trip to South Africa, and later today another friend, Paul Gaug, who has been part of our pastors covenant group going all the way back to our years in Cleveland, arrives from Long Island. The three of us will spend the night on the boat, and then early tomorrow start our trip up the coast.
One of the great blessings of this stay was reconnecting with one of my two best friends from high school, Colin McKinnon. Colin, Craig Goodrich and I were inseparable. Over at the girl's school they called us the "three C's". I loved those guys and loved hanging out with them. Lots of great memories.
I hadn't seen Colin in about thirty years. A planned reunion last year was undermined by jury duty. So spending some time with him and his family this past week has been a real treat. He looks terrific and has built a wonderful life here in Norfolk.
I was so happy to see what a great family and great life he has here. It was what you would hope for someone you care about and who played a big part in your own life years before. What a blessing!
Last night I left Heartsong in a marina and spent the night at the home of another great friend, Ralph Herbert. A real bed! And when a thunderstorm rolled through I didn't have to get up, shut all the portals and make sure the anchor wasn't dragging. It was luxurious.
Ralph just got back from a trip to South Africa, and later today another friend, Paul Gaug, who has been part of our pastors covenant group going all the way back to our years in Cleveland, arrives from Long Island. The three of us will spend the night on the boat, and then early tomorrow start our trip up the coast.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
It has been in the nineties every day here. Today is predicted to hit 99 - a bit uncomfortable on a boat with no air conditioning. But more than compensating for anyone who loves boats is to be so close to so many different ships. This is the Enterprise, passing less than a hundred yards from where I'm anchored.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Members of FCPC will remember the Hogges - longtime members of our church - and Joan's care as a member of our pastoral staff. These pictures are of EDMARC in Portsmouth; the first pediatric hospice care organization in the United States and one the Hogges were instrumental in founding (named, in part, after their own beloved son Marcus). The Hogges went on to help us start the Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition; one of the great ministries of FCPC. PPCC has become a significant state-wide advocate even as it offers care and support for children and their families who require hospice and palliative care. What a wonderful impact Joan and Allen Hogge have had.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
A picture of Heartsong in the water down in Portsmouth. A few hours later I moved to an anchorage in Craford Bay just across from the Nauticus Marine Museum in Norfolk. Benedict Arnold commanded a fort on the edge of this bay at one point during the Revolution.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
I'm back at the Tidewater Marina in Norfolk. Said goodbye to Bonnie and to our great friends the Bierys this morning. Wally was my sailing buddy back in Cleveland, and we chartered together on the Nantucket Sound some twenty-plus years ago. The four of us have had a great time boating down to North Carolina and the Ablemarle Sound. Edenton was a high point; a wonderful community.
We had some engine problems approaching Edenton. Actually, I miscalculated and we ran out of fuel about a mile from port. With a diesel engine, running out of fuel is a pretty big deal. You have to bleed the entire engine of air before it will run again. I made an attempt at it, but fell short, and this is where the cool part of the story begins.
A neighboring boater spent the entire morning making various contacts and working with us. As a result of his efforts: 1) we got a loaner car to go and get five gallons of diesel; and 2) after the engine still didn't start and in spite of my best efforts at diesel mechanics, a technician showed up (this was a Saturday) and got our engine running. And then he charged us next to nothing. Jack and Bill are my new heroes. Along the way, the people of Edenton were just plain great.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Funky Bikes
> Here we are after just finishing our first long bike ride on our new funky folding bikes. They are so much fun. We had a great time exploring more of Roanoke Island. We didn't expect to spend several days here due to the weather, but it has been a real treat! We will be pulling out in the morning bright & early rain or shine. Love you & miss you all.
> Here we are after just finishing our first long bike ride on our new funky folding bikes. They are so much fun. We had a great time exploring more of Roanoke Island. We didn't expect to spend several days here due to the weather, but it has been a real treat! We will be pulling out in the morning bright & early rain or shine. Love you & miss you all.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
June 1
We passed into North Carolina yesterday. Today we are planning to sail down to Roanoke Island off the Outer Banks and spend the night in Manteo. A few equipment issues, but otherwise the trip so far has been terrific.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
May 27
The last few days have been pretty stressful as we've struggled to Heartsong ready for our cruise, but today we finally cast off our lines and headed out into the Chesapeake. We made it to a beautiful anchorage on the Rhode River just before a thunderstorm rolled in. Looking forward to a good night's sleep!
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor
Sunday, May 17, 2015
We left the BVI's on Tuesday after a wonderful time together. As always, it was hard to see the kids take off. Bonnie went on to Seattle for our niece's wedding, and I took off for Florida for my next two courses. Unfortunately, my flight was cancelled and I ended up staying overnight in Puerto Rico, but I got up the next morning at 3:30 a.m. and was able to get a seat flying standby to Fort Lauderdale.
I arrived at the South Seas Island Resort in Captiva late Wednesday afternoon, and the next morning began a course on Coastal Navigation. Again, pretty intense, and it ended with a three hour exam this morning.
Tomorrow my two classmates and I begin a five day cruise down to Key West and back. We'll get back here Saturday and be done around noon. The exam for the Passagemaking certification will actually be done on the boat either Thursday or Friday. Sunday, I leave very early to catch a 6:30 a.m. flight out of Fort Myers, and that afternoon Bonnie and I will reconnect on Heartsong and begin our three month cruise up the coast.
I arrived at the South Seas Island Resort in Captiva late Wednesday afternoon, and the next morning began a course on Coastal Navigation. Again, pretty intense, and it ended with a three hour exam this morning.
Tomorrow my two classmates and I begin a five day cruise down to Key West and back. We'll get back here Saturday and be done around noon. The exam for the Passagemaking certification will actually be done on the boat either Thursday or Friday. Sunday, I leave very early to catch a 6:30 a.m. flight out of Fort Myers, and that afternoon Bonnie and I will reconnect on Heartsong and begin our three month cruise up the coast.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Barry the Barracuda
This is a video of Barry the Barracuda. He has been hanging out by our boat the last two days and seems to have taken a liking to Anna.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Sea Turtle Video
Here is a video Kaulin, my son in law, has taken with his GoPro. This one shows one of the sea turtles that was by our boat the last few days.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Friday, April 24 2015
We arrived in the Virgin Islands yesterday. Spent two
hours in the classroom and six hours on the water today. Absolutely
beautiful! Same schedule tomorrow, then
we board a 43 foot boat tomorrow evening where we will spend the next five days
sailing the islands.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Bonnie and I leave for the Virgin Islands this coming Friday. This morning, as part of our worship in each of the three services, the congregation had a special commissioning service. Rev. Doug Portz, a pastor on our Presbytery staff, offered a great message around the theme of "needed rest". Then they took my stole, a symbol of my ministry, and placed it in the front of the sanctuary -- a reminder to the congregation and to Bonnie and me of the wonderful connection we share. The congregation was then invited to gather around us, place their hands upon us and to pray for us. It was a very beautiful and very powerful experience. FCPC is an amazing congregation, and being their pastor these last ten years has been a great blessing and joy.
Earlier in the week Bonnie and I went down to Annapolis to meet with the guy who is doing a lot of work on the boat; helping to transform it from a daysailor/weekender to a coastal cruiser. His name is Andy Fegley and he is the owner of Yacht Electrical Systems in Annapolis. It was great to be able to go through the boat with him and get to know him a little better. I think he is going to do a great job.
The visit also gave us a chance to do some of our own preliminary work on the boat. Among the tasks was giving Heartsong her new name.
Exciting to see the new name there. It is still hard for us to believe we actually own this boat. Getting her outfitted has turned out to be pretty consuming -- supplies for everything from cleaning the toilet to handling medical emergencies. I keep waking up at night and thinking of more details to cover.
Just a few more days to get ready! What an incredible gift the church and the Lilly Foundation have given us!
Earlier in the week Bonnie and I went down to Annapolis to meet with the guy who is doing a lot of work on the boat; helping to transform it from a daysailor/weekender to a coastal cruiser. His name is Andy Fegley and he is the owner of Yacht Electrical Systems in Annapolis. It was great to be able to go through the boat with him and get to know him a little better. I think he is going to do a great job.
The visit also gave us a chance to do some of our own preliminary work on the boat. Among the tasks was giving Heartsong her new name.
Exciting to see the new name there. It is still hard for us to believe we actually own this boat. Getting her outfitted has turned out to be pretty consuming -- supplies for everything from cleaning the toilet to handling medical emergencies. I keep waking up at night and thinking of more details to cover.
Just a few more days to get ready! What an incredible gift the church and the Lilly Foundation have given us!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
One month from today Christopher, Jonathan, Anna and her husband Kaulin will be joining us in the British Virgin Islands. Bonnie and I will be finishing an eight day course with Colgate Offshore Sailing that morning, and then the kids arrive a few hours later. Just one month from today! Wow! We are chartering a 50 foot Beneteau:
No, the women won't be joining us. We will be both captain and crew. Lots of amenities on the boat and with four separate berths it should be really comfortable for the six of us. None of us have been to the Virgin Islands, and we are all looking forward to the sailing, hiking, snorkeling and exploring together. Best of all will be the chance just to hang out together on a great boat in a beautiful setting!

Friday, March 20, 2015
It's done! We signed the "Acceptance" form last night that commits both us and the seller to moving forward. The formal closing won't be until next week, but for all intents and purposes we are now the proud owners of our very first boat, "Heartsong." Wow! I've been dreaming about this moment for about as long as I can remember.
The picture above was taken as I was walking down the dock and seeing the boat in the water for the first time. I had driven down for the survey and here my sense of excitement is growing as I'm getting closer. Part of a survey includes getting the boat out and testing all the systems, so I'm going to be seeing her sail for the first time, as well.
Our surveyor was Tarn Kelsey of Kelsey Marine Surveys. He did a great job, taking a lot of time to not only share what he was seeing, but also to explain the various systems as we went through them.
It was incredibly helpful. Best of all, his initial report was that the boat seemed to be in really good shape given its age (23 years). The hull, the deck, the sails -- all the major stuff looked good. There were some problems with the engine, but those are being addressed even as I write. My biggest concern going in was that the sails would be messed up. We hadn't been able to see them before this. I was thrilled to see how good they looked.

I wish I could have gotten a picture with both sails up, but right after
the genoa was unfurled I was invited to take the helm. In 8 knots of
wind (not much!) the boat was moving at just over 4 knots (impressive!). I'm
used to much heavier boats in this size, and I was amazed to see how
nimble and responsive she was -- even in reverse which is a pretty big
deal when you are trying to maneuver into a small slip. These were the very qualities that we had been looking for when we chose this boat over the Pacific Seacraft in the first place. It was encouraging to see them confirmed.
Our broker, Dave van den Arend with Crusader Yacht Sales, did a wonderful job working with us. The whole process of buying a boat was new to us, and at times it was a bit overwhelming. Dave worked incredibly hard, calmly guided us through each step, and made some great connections for us along the way. I would recommend him in a heartbeat.
So now, after years of exploration, we are committed to a boat. I can hardly wait.
The picture above was taken as I was walking down the dock and seeing the boat in the water for the first time. I had driven down for the survey and here my sense of excitement is growing as I'm getting closer. Part of a survey includes getting the boat out and testing all the systems, so I'm going to be seeing her sail for the first time, as well.
Our surveyor was Tarn Kelsey of Kelsey Marine Surveys. He did a great job, taking a lot of time to not only share what he was seeing, but also to explain the various systems as we went through them.
It was incredibly helpful. Best of all, his initial report was that the boat seemed to be in really good shape given its age (23 years). The hull, the deck, the sails -- all the major stuff looked good. There were some problems with the engine, but those are being addressed even as I write. My biggest concern going in was that the sails would be messed up. We hadn't been able to see them before this. I was thrilled to see how good they looked.
Our broker, Dave van den Arend with Crusader Yacht Sales, did a wonderful job working with us. The whole process of buying a boat was new to us, and at times it was a bit overwhelming. Dave worked incredibly hard, calmly guided us through each step, and made some great connections for us along the way. I would recommend him in a heartbeat.
So now, after years of exploration, we are committed to a boat. I can hardly wait.
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