Saturday, August 22, 2015

On our way

At the dock with a brand new transmission at Onset Marina just prior to our departure.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It looks so innocent

Our transmission gave out just after we got through the Cape Cod Canal. We think an encounter with a submerged lobster pot up in Maine finally pushed it over the edge (I spent an hour in and out of the water getting the line off our propeller).

We are waiting for a new transmission to be shipped up from Kentucky, then we will be back to finish the final leg of this great adventure.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Homeward bound

The famous twin lights of Thacher Island, marking the eastern point of Cape Ann near Gloucester. We've had some weather days since turning towards home but continue to press South. We're hoping to make Plymouth tonight and then pass through the Cape Cod Canal tomorrow.

Monday, August 10, 2015


A marina tender hit our beloved Heartsong just as we were getting ready to leave. The temporary repair delayed us a bit. We've had some bad weather since that has made for some tough passages, but we head out this morning for Bar Harbor. We hope to get there by Tuesday evening.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


We spent the night in Lunenberg - a lovely community with a rich tradition of ship building and fishing. The original Bluenose was built here (a full-scale replica is pictured below). So was the replica Bounty used in the Marlon Brando movie and "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. It is a tradition that continues today and is also evidenced in the beautiful homes and buildings that fill these streets.

Tomorrow we return to Halifax where we will await the delivery of some engine parts before turning our bow towards home.